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  • Thomas Haller's avatar
    lldp: only have GHashTable instance for LLDP neighbors when running · 0d41abea
    Thomas Haller authored
    When the instance is not running (after creation or after stop), there
    is no need to keep the GHashTable around.
    Create it when needed (during start) and clear it during stop. This
    makes it slightly cheaper to keep a NMLldpListener instance around,
    if it's currently not running.
    NMDevice already keeps the NMLldpListener around, even after stopping
    it. It's not clear whether the instance will be started again, so also
    clear the GHashTable. Also, one effect is that if you initially were in
    a network with many LLDP neibors, after stop and start, the GHashTable
    now gets recreated and may not need to allocate a large internal array
    as before.