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  • dan sinclair's avatar
    Initial commit of Amber for open source · 70d430c0
    dan sinclair authored and David Neto's avatar David Neto committed
    Amber is a multi-API shader test framework.
    Amber lets you capture and communicate shader bugs with the fluidity and ease of a scripting flow:
    * No graphics API programming is required.
      * WIP: Supports Vulkan and [Dawn][Dawn] graphics APIs.
    * A single text string (or file) maps to a single graphics API pipeline test case.  The text includes:
      * Input data, including buffers and images.
      * Shaders.
      * Expectations for the result of running the pipeline.
    * Shaders can be expressed in binary form (as hex), in SPIR-V assembly, or in a higher level shader language.
    * After executing the pipeline, result buffers and images can be saved to output files.
    This is not an officially supported Google product.
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