The following states will be assigned as part of the triage process:
- NeedsTriage: rows for new issues will be generated with this value in the State column.
- NeedsInfo: when assigning to the originator, set the state to NeedsInfo. The triage engineer will be able to use the last modified date to see whether triage can be repeated with new information.
- Assigned: This is generally the final triage state for actual issues.
- NeedsReview: Triage automation will detect when an MR has been submitted that fixes an open issue. It will change the state to NeedsReview, and remove the assignee from the triage report row. The triage engineer should sort issues to identify reviewable MRs. These issues should be modified to be one level more Severe, and a reviewer assigned based on the content of the MR.
- WontFix: Assign this state and close the issue if the report is invalid.
- NotOurBug Assign this state if the bug is not related to Intel