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[ImgBot] Optimize images

Kyle Stuart requested to merge imgbot into main

Created by: imgbot[bot]

Beep boop. Your images are optimized!

Your image file size has been reduced by 15% 🎉

File Before After Percent reduction
/publish/background.png 8.21kb 1.84kb 77.63%
/publish/background@2x.png 7.99kb 3.48kb 56.46%
/publish/icon.svg 7.75kb 5.78kb 25.43%
/publish/icon.icns.svg 7.36kb 5.76kb 21.75%
/.github/screenshot.png 787.53kb 654.21kb 16.93%
/.github/logo.svg 3.55kb 3.01kb 15.13%
/publish/icon.png 158.96kb 150.98kb 5.01%
/publish/background.svg 0.38kb 0.36kb 4.60%
/source/icon.png 56.74kb 54.40kb 4.12%
Total : 1,038.46kb 879.82kb 15.28%

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