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gpu/intel: Intel performance counters

Antonio Caggiano requested to merge intel-perfcnt into master

This is a first version of an intel driver which is able to dump performance counters for our GPU datasource.

At its current state it only supports the RenderBasic metric set:

id name
0 AvgGpuCoreFrequency
1 CsThreads
2 DsThreads
3 EarlyDepthTestFails
4 EuActive
5 EuFpuBothActive
6 EuStall
7 GpuBusy
8 GpuCoreClocks
9 GpuTime
10 GsThreads
11 GtiDepthThroughput
12 GtiHdcLookupsThroughput
13 GtiL3Throughput
14 GtiRccThroughput
15 GtiReadThroughput
16 GtiVfThroughput
17 GtiWriteThroughput
18 HiDepthTestFails
19 HsThreads
20 L3Lookups
21 L3Misses
22 L3SamplerThroughput
23 L3ShaderThroughput
24 PixelsFailingPostPsTests
25 PsEuBothFpuActive
26 PsFpu0Active
27 PsFpu1Active
28 PsSendActive
29 PsThreads
30 RasterizedPixels
31 Sampler0Bottleneck
32 Sampler0Busy
33 Sampler1Bottleneck
34 Sampler1Busy
35 SamplerBottleneck
36 SamplerL1Misses
37 SamplerTexelMisses
38 SamplerTexels
39 SamplersBusy
40 SamplesBlended
41 SamplesKilledInPs
42 SamplesWritten
43 ShaderAtomics
44 ShaderBarriers
45 ShaderMemoryAccesses
46 SlmBytesRead
47 SlmBytesWritten
48 VsFpu0Active
49 VsFpu1Active
50 VsSendActive
51 VsThreads
Edited by Antonio Caggiano

Merge request reports