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  • Pekka Paalanen's avatar
    compositor-drm: start migration to head-based output API · c112f00b
    Pekka Paalanen authored
    Hook up the libweston facing head-based output API by introducing struct
    drm_head, but leave it as a fake so that members can be migrated in
    pieces in follow-up patches.
    The DRM backend continues to create an output for each connected
    connector only, and during output creation it also creates a drm_head
    for it. This allows it to pretend it supports the head-based output API
    as long as there is only one head per output ever attached.
    create_output callback is fake, it will only look up the existing
    drm_output by the head name.
    Clones are not yet supported, hence max is defined to 1.
    This unfortunately introduces some temporary code that will be revomed
    later, but seems to be necessary to avoid a single big patch.
    - add missing drm_head_destroy() call
    Signed-off-by: default avatarPekka Paalanen <>
    Reviewed-by: default avatarIan Ray <>
    Reviewed-by: default avatarDaniel Stone <>
    Acked-by: default avatarDerek Foreman <>