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  • Pekka Paalanen's avatar
    compositor-drm: rewrite crtc picking for clone mode · 27cc4816
    Pekka Paalanen authored
    To support shared-CRTC clone mode, the chosen CRTC needs to support
    driving all the attached connectors. Replace the old algorithm with a
    new one that takes into account all associated connectors.
    Ideally it should use possible_clones mask to check which encoders (and
    therefore connectors) actually can be in a cloned set. However, the DRM
    documentation says about possible_clones and possible_crtcs masks both:
    "In reality almost every driver gets this wrong."
    Looking at a target device and its kernel where clone mode is desired,
    possible_clones is indeed self-conflicting and would not allow cloning
    at all. Therefore the implemented algorithm replaces the checking of
    possible_clones with luck. It even goes out of its way to find any CRTC
    for a configuration, even if not advertised by the kernel as not
    Libweston would need infrastructure to allow trial-and-error CRTC
    allocation: rather than picking one CRTC in advance and do or die, it
    should try all available CRTCs one by one. Unfortunately that is not yet
    possible, so this patch implements what it can. It is also the DRM
    upstream opinion that trial-and-error with ATOMIC_TEST would be the way
    to go.
    Unlike the old algorithm, the new algorithm prefers routings that were
    in place when Weston started instead of when enabling an output. When
    you never temporarily disable an output, this makes no difference.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarPekka Paalanen <>
    Acked-by: default avatarDerek Foreman <>
    Reviewed-by: default avatarDaniel Stone <>