Spontaneous keyboard layout switching after upgrade to XWayland 1.18.0
Submitted by Simon Volpert
Assigned to Wayland bug list
I have the following setxkbmap options set:
layout=us,ru,il options=grp:caps_toggle,shift:both_shiftlock,compose:ralt
After the upgrade to XWayland 1.18.0, switching the layout once causes it to reset to the last configured layout (il) every time a modifier key (any of ALT, CTRL, SHIFT or SUPER) is pressed. The layout also resets to the last layout after a new window gains focus.
It is interesting to note that those options are not exposed in setxkbmap's "setxkbmap -print -v 10" in 1.17.4, but are in 1.18.0.
System: Arch Linux Kernel: 4.2.5-1-ARCH