Missing meson files in 21.1.0 tarball
The xorg-server-21.1.0.tar.xz tarball builds fine with autotools, but it's missing some files necessary to build with meson. Since meson support is a key feature of 21, it'd be nice to get this fixed in a point release so distributions can switch to building with meson.
When building with the default meson options, the missing files are:
- include/Xserver.d
- doc/meson.build
- doc/dtrace/meson.build
- hw/xfree86/drivers/inputtest/meson.build
- hw/xfree86/doc/meson.build
- test/damage/meson.build
- test/damage/primitives.c
(It'd probably be a good idea to test that building with meson from the release tarball works as part of the release process!)