XWayland: Mouse is not confined to Window while Mouse Button is pressed in World of Warcraft
World of Warcraft uses an in-game cursor that is not confined to the Window, ie, you can seamlessly move from WoW's Window to a second monitor if you have any. While holding down the mouse-button, the cursor is made invisible and the mouse can be used to move the camera around. Under X11 (and Windows), the hidden cursor is properly confined to WoW's window while the mouse-button is still pressed down. However, under Xwayland the cursor will appear on my right monitor if I turn the camera far enough to the right. Furthermore, turning the camera to the left is only possible up to the point where the invisible cursor hits the end at the left of WoW's window. Under Xorg and Windows you are able to rotate the camera in one direction as long as physical space (for your mouse) allows.
A workaround for this issue is to enable Wine's "automatically capture mouse in full screen windows" option. However, while the issue is now fixed, it is now no longer possible to seamlessly move from WoW's window to my second monitor while the mouse button is not pressed.