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  • Alan Coopersmith's avatar
    Add comments about sizes of dynamically allocated arrays · 95ee49d9
    Alan Coopersmith authored
    Many arrays have sz_* or size_* fields to list the number of entries
    allocated, and num_* fields to record the number of entries used.
    Others use num_* for the number allocated, or size based on max_key_code.
    And a few are just plain trying to mess with your head.  (I'm looking at
    you XkbNamesRec & XkbKeyTypeRec.)
    It sure would have been nice if all the XKB authors could have picked
    a single convention and stuck to it, but we're 20 years too late for
    that now, so just document it so I can stop reverse engineering from
    the code every time I need to see if we got a bounds check right or not.
    Signed-off-by: default avatarAlan Coopersmith <>