xcb-util-cursor fails to build out-of-source
Submitted by Michał Górny
Assigned to Uli Schlachter @psychon
When trying to build git HEAD of xcb-util-cursor out-of-source, I get the following failure:
if gperf --includes --struct-type --language=ANSI-C --switch=1 shape_to_id.gperf >shape_to_id.ct; then
mv shape_to_id.ct shape_to_id.c;
elif gperf --version >/dev/null 2>&1; then
rm shape_to_id.ct;
exit 1;
elif test -f shape_to_id.c; then
rm shape_to_id.ct;
touch shape_to_id.c;
rm shape_to_id.ct;
exit 1;
Cannot open input file 'shape_to_id.gperf'
...which means someone forgot to reference $(srcdir).