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  • Uli Schlachter's avatar
    Fix out-of-source builds · f75e4be0
    Uli Schlachter authored
    When building something out-of-source, make's VPATH mechanism is used so that
    files in the source directory are also found. This makes make automatically
    check that other directory for needed files and use those when needed.
    However, make doesn't magically copy those files over. We have to explicitly use
    the file that make found. Do so by using $< for refering to shape_to_id.gperf
    instead of hardcoding the name of the source file.
    This fixes out-of-source git builds.
    Out-of-source release builds already worked before this, because releases come
    with a pre-generated shape_to_id.c.
    This fixes
    Signed-off-by: default avatarUli Schlachter <>