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  • Peter Hutterer's avatar
    Add generic event cookie handling to libX11. · 554f755e
    Peter Hutterer authored
    Generic events require more bytes than Xlib provides in the standard XEvent.
    Memory allocated by the extension and stored as pointers inside the event is
    prone to leak by simple 'while (1) { XNextEvent(...); }' loops.
    This patch adds cookie handling for generic events. Extensions may register
    a cookie handler in addition to the normal event vectors. If an extension
    has registered a cookie handler, _all_ generic events for this extensions
    must be handled through cookies. Otherwise, the default event handler is
    The cookie handler must return an XGenericEventCookie with a pointer to the
    data.The rest of the event (type, serialNumber, etc.) are to be filled as
    normal. When a client retrieves such a cookie event, the data is stored in
    an internal queue (the 'cookiejar'). This data is freed on the next call to
    New extension interfaces:
        XESetWireToEventCookie(display, extension_number, cookie_handler)
    Where cookie_handler must set cookie->data. The data pointer is of arbitray
    size and type but must be a single memory block. This memory block
    represents the actual extension's event.
    New client interfaces:
        XGetEventData(display, *cookie);
        XFreeEventData(display, *cookie);
    If the client needs the actual event data, it must call XGetEventData() with
    the cookie. This returns the data pointer (and removes it from the cookie
    jar) and the client is then responsible for freeing the event with
    XFreeEventData(). It is safe to call either function with a non-cookie
    event. Events unclaimed or not handled by the XGetEventData() are cleaned up
    Example client code:
        XEvent event;
        XGenericEventCookie *cookie = &ev;
        XNextEvent(display, &event);
        if (XGetEventData(display, cookie)) {
            XIEvent *xievent = cookie->data;
        } else if (cookie->type == GenericEvent) {
            /* handle generic event */
        } else {
            /* handle extension/core event */
        XFreeEventData(display, cookie);
    Cookies are not multi-threading safe. Clients that use XGetEventData() must
    lock between XNextEvent and XGetEventData to avoid other threads freeing
    Signed-off-by: default avatarPeter Hutterer <>