VMWare driver hard crashes with recent mesa libgl upgrade
Submitted by Jeremy M
Assigned to linux-graphics-maintainer@vmware.com
I upgraded to mesa-libgl 9.1 and found that ArchLinux hard crashes when starting X at loading GLX Module every time (it worked fine before the upgrade). Several ArchLinux users (https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=158721) are also reporting the same issue. No log information is provided, the crash completely locks up the VM.
Not sure if this helps, but VirtualBox and other video drivers works fine. I can also run the vesa driver in VMWare Workstation just fine.
Running virtualized up-to-date ArchLinux 64-bit on a Windows 7 64bit workstation with VMWare Workstation 8.
Other versions of software include:
xf86-video-vmware 13.0.0-1
svga-dri 9.1-2
xf86-input-vmmouse 13.0.0-1
open-vm-tools-modules 1:9.2.2-6
linux 3.8-2 (vanilla, was on 3.7, tried 3.8 from testing- no diff)
I'm not much of a developer but can help with providing more information if needed.