[NV84] Repeated system crashes under graphics load, E[PFIFO] DMA_PUSHER 0x00406040 and lots of E[PGRAPH]
Submitted by Martin von Gagern
Assigned to Nouveau Project
Created attachment 87485
nouveau error lines in kernel log for three incidents
This is taking my bug usptream from the distro level bug I first filed at
I've encountered several system crashes in relation to nouveau and graphics work lately. Most notably three crashes in the past few days, with kernel version 3.11.4-gentoo. lspci reports the graphics card as
VGA compatible controller: NVIDIA Corporation G84 [GeForce 8400 GS] (rev a1)
I'm attaching an abridged version of the log files first, for a quick glance. It is the output of “grep -h -C1 -E '] nouveau [^ 0]|Linux version'” applied to the currently available kernel logs. I can see no obious pattern there. I've read that you prefer untruncated dmesg output, but since this issue causes my system to reboot, calling dmesg is not an option, and since I'm reporting several incidents, this might be a quick starting point.
The crashes themselves aren't reported as Oops, or maybe they are but the file system is already unavailable by that time, so I don't notice. Unfortunately I don't have a serial terminal attached for logging at all times.
I'll attach the unabridged logs shortly, but I can't even know whether these successfully flushed all their data. I'll give a few details on each of these incidents with the corresponding unabridged log.
Attachment 87485, "nouveau error lines in kernel log for three incidents":