Desktop freeze when closing apps composited by compton running on GTX 760
Submitted by sdelang
Assigned to Nouveau Project
Link to original bug (#104530)
Created attachment 136600
dmesg from crashing kernel
Hello, I have been experiencing crashes when using nouveau and compton, using i3-gaps as a tiling WM.
Machine responds to SSH, but the X desktop freezes and e.g. numlock does not respond anymore.
I can't manage to reproduce the issue when compton is not started. I have found a relatively reliable way to reproduce it:
- Start firefox, xterm
- Mod-shift-Q to close xterm
- (optional?) Mess around firefox, create and remove tabs etc
- Start xterm, start over from 2
Eventually, the desktop will hang on step 2 and switching to a TTY becomes impossible. Machine still responds to SSH.
I am running Arch Linux with:
linux-ck 4.14.12-3 (from AUR, compiled today)
mesa 17.3.1-2
xorg-server 1.19.6-2
xf86-video-nouveau 1.0.15-2
libdrm 2.4.89-1
$ uname -a
Linux sdelang-arch 4.14.12-3-ck #1 SMP PREEMPT Sun Jan 7 16:31:01 CET 2018 x86_64 GNU/Linux
**Attachment 136600**, "dmesg from crashing kernel":