Display freeze when starting League of Legends (Wine)
Submitted by Detlev Casanova
Assigned to Nouveau Project
Created attachment 115953
Nouveau error log - 1
Up until recently, I was able to play League of Legends on Linux with Wine, using the open source driver nouveau. And that was with great performances.
Since an upgrade of the game (I cannot go back to the old version though), everytime the game starts, The display freezes (sometimes after up to 5 seconds but it always does).
The cursor is still moving but typing commands blindly doesn't seem to work.
The network and SSH deamon being still running, I was able to collect some Kernel logs. I attach them.
I also tried to go back to an older version of the Kernel in case the problem was in there but that did not help (So I can't bissect the kernel to find the possible bug)
I am not sure if the game is doing something nasty or if there is a bug in the opensource driver.
Logs show all kind of error messages I could find.
Attachment 115953, "Nouveau error log - 1":