Nouveau crash in X server / display system with PAGE_NOT_PRESENT/NULL_DMAOBJ running Minecraft Feed The Beast Continuum
Submitted by Petter Reinholdtsen
Assigned to Nouveau Project
Link to original bug (#108783)
Created attachment 142513
dmesg output from /var/log/kern.log from the crash
When running Minecraft Feed The Beast on a machine with the NVIDIA Quadro NVS 295 graphics controller, the graphics system hangs after a while while loading Feed The Beast. The machine in question is using Debian Stretch 9.6 with the latest updates. I had to reboot the machine to get it working again. Switching from the nouveau kernel driver to the nvidia-legacy-340xx-kernel-dkms kernel driver solved the problem.
After the crash I found the found the attached kernel messages in /var/log/kern.log. Please let me know if there is anyting more information I can provide, while the machine and setup is available for me to test on.
The machine in question have 16 GiB RAM.
Attachment 142513, "dmesg output from /var/log/kern.log from the crash":