Nvidia 640M devinit fails
Submitted by ralala
Assigned to Nouveau Project
Created attachment 128904
I have a VAIO SVS1511C5E laptop and the nouveau driver is not working in kernel versions > 3.16 . (3.19 does not work for me)
From my understanding the ACPI loading of the bios rom fails. I tried other methods as suggested in many other threads (PROM, PRAMIN), but they also fail.
ACPI loading worked in kernel 3.16.
I attach the vbios.rom copied from a booted 3.16 kernel from /sys/kernel/debug/dri/1/vbios.rom and a dmesg log showing the error from kernel 4.10rc3.
As a workaround I am able to load nouveau manually in all kernels by providing the copied vbios.rom as a parameter to the nouveau module.
Attachment 128904, "vbios.rom":