[NV84] Nvidia GeForce 8600 GT VDPAU h264 hardware acceleration
Submitted by Илья Индиго Assigned to Nouveau Project
Created attachment 109089
mplayer2 -vo vdpau -vc ffmpeg12vdpau,ffh264vdpau, /ILYA/Video/Documentaries/Space/Through\ the\ Wormhole/Through\ the\ Wormhole\ 3.03\ -\ Is\ The\ Universe\ Alive.mkv
Nvidia GeForce 8600 GT don't correct decode h264 video via VDPAU on MPlayer2 and mpv.(See Attachment)
Firmware I got from Nvidia 340.58 as written on this site http://nouveau.freedesktop.org/wiki/VideoAcceleration
Without firmware h264 don't work. With proprietary blob h264 decoding work fine, but with green flash during (re)initialization video.
openSUSE 12.3 x86_64 | Kernel 3.17.2-desktop | XOrg 7.6 1.16.1 | Mesa 10.3.2 | nouveau 1.0.11 | Firmware from Nvidia 340.58
Attachment 109089, "mplayer2 -vo vdpau -vc ffmpeg12vdpau,ffh264vdpau, /ILYA/Video/Documentaries/Space/Through\ the\ Wormhole/Through\ the\ Wormhole\ 3.03\ -\ Is\ The\ Universe\ Alive.mkv":