[sna gen4 w/a] corrupt rendering (including wrong rendering of characters and flickering on redraw)
Submitted by Joe Peterson
Assigned to Chris Wilson @ickle
Using the xf86-video-intel driver in SNA mode (using version 2.20.9, but I've seen it back to 2.20.7 as well - I have not tested SNA in earlier versions), chromium tabs exhibit a strange "blotchy" flickering of text/graphics as the mouse is moved over them. Note that this may vary depending on the text (or more probably the length of the text) in the tab.
I wonder if the transparent gradient/fade of the text in these tabs plays a part here.
I will attach a video screen capture of this happening. One URL that causes it is the URL of a previous bug I reported: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=55484 (the tab in the video uses this one).
[From my lspci: VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07)]