xf86-video-geode crashes on start since 2.11.x when DDC/UART mux is in UART mode
Submitted by Mart Raudsepp Assigned to Xorg Project Team
Since the RANDR1.2 port in xf86-video-geode-2.11 the driver crashes on X.org startup immediately if the firmware has set up the DDC/UART muxed GPIO to serial port (UART) mode.
Before there was code made to detect the GPIO mode and not do any DDC queries if it is in serial port mode. But while that checking still exists and the fact that it is in UART mode gets reported in Xorg.0.log, DDC calls are still made through RANDR impementation vfunc regardless of that, and Xorg crashes on the results that gets to in UART mode.
This bug is the primary reason 2.11 is not packaged in Gentoo Linux yet, as it breaks things for my own geode platform development :(