Clock speed incorrect with Radeon driver on Radeon HD7340 from an E2-1800 CPU
Submitted by Philippe Leblanc
Assigned to xf86-video-ati maintainers
My laptop is equipped with an AMD E2-1800 processor which comes paired with a radeon HD7340 video processor. It appears that the driver incorrectly sets the clock speed for this model. For example:
[root@localhost ~]# cat /sys/kernel/debug/dri/0/radeon_pm_info
default engine clock: 200000 kHz
current engine clock: 5730 kHz
default memory clock: 667000 kHz
I believe this GPU is capable of running at 523-680Mhz with the latter number being turbo mode. However, the maximum engine clock appears to be stuck at 200MHz and the current clock is only 5Mhz. The current clock appears to change, but I've never seen go higher than 70Mhz. With the clock being so low, this makes for a sluggish experience when using a composited desktop like Gnome 3. I have tried changing the power management state to use the dynamic setting, but this has had no impact on the clock speeds posted.
[root@localhost ~]# cat /sys/class/drm/card0/device/power_method
I'm currently using the latest stable radeon driver (version 7.1) on Mageia Linux with kernel 3.8. Is this a configuration problem, or a problem with the driver?