Video freezes during specific games.
Submitted by Myckel Habets
Assigned to xf86-video-ati maintainers
Created attachment 71239
Xorg.log with backtraces
I was trying a game last week, but suddenly the screen froze and it went blank for a few seconds, but kept freezing and blanking. In the background the game continued running. I was able to switch to the console and kill X to get the screen back.
I noticed X gave some backtraces in the log. Find those attached.
I first encountered it in the game Valyria Tear, but later I was told by someone that this bug also surfaces in OpenArena (screencast of the bug can be found here: ). I was able to confirm this on my system as well.
My system is a Gentoo Linux, arch is AMD64 (native, so no 32bit support), Radeon HD 3450 card and the 7.0.0 version of the Xorg ati drivers. My system is setup for debugging (gdb, strace present. Most stuff compiled with debug info), so if more info is required I'm willing to provide them (do give instructions on how to obtain them).
Attachment 71239, "Xorg.log with backtraces":