[RADEON:KMS:DDX] scrambled display output using kuickshow (might be imlib issue)
Submitted by mbair
Assigned to xf86-video-ati maintainers
Installed X11R7.5 and upgraded or recompiled any necessary component libraries so that X11 and KDE compile without error. After recompiling and reinstalling KDE-3.5.8 and then using kuickshow (part of kde-3.5.8 package) to view a jpg, the display output is scrambled - horizontal lines, random display patterns, distorted images from display memory - it is different every time even when viewing the same image. xorg.conf has selected Driver "radeon" - the specific driver that came with the X11 package was xf86-video-ati-6.13.0 ( which provides radeon_drv.so ). The problem only shows up with kuickshow - all other graphic display software ( gimp, digikam ...) work ok. kuickshow would not display any graphic image ( jpg, png, icons ...) properly. I downgraded to xf86-video-ati-6.12.192 - same problem. Downgraded further to xf86-video-ati-6.12.7 and now kuickshow displays properly. So some change incorporated after 6.12.7 is the problem.