Xorg ignores errors on the mouse device and loses the mouse when it is re-plugged (disabled HAL)
Submitted by Yuri
Assigned to Xorg Project Team
When I run Xorg with the disabled HAL support and plug the mouse out and back in, mouse stops working. There are messages in log that HAL requests are ignored as per the option in Xorg.conf (this is correct). But there is no message that there is an error on the mouse device. And there is an error. When I run 'cat /dev/ums0' and unplug the mouse, I get an input/output error.
The mouse device reading errors should not be ignored by Xorg.
Once such error is detected, Xorg should have the fallback code that would keep attempting to reopen the mouse device after some reasonable timeout (for example 5 seconds).
The situation when the USB device is plugged out and in is usual within the domain of USB specification, and shouldn't be treated as out of range situation. My suggestion above will make the behavior of Xorg reasonable.
Version: 7.5 (2009.10)