RFE: Emulate wheel: press mouse1_button4, while moving mouse3
Submitted by Richard Neill
Assigned to Xorg Project Team
I'm trying to use emulatewheel in a somewhat unusal context. Basically, I want to click button4 on mouse1 while moving mouse3 to get an emulated wheel.
This is possible, if I use /dev/mouse (the synthesis of all the various mice) togther with emulatewheelbtn=4 but I then have a broken mousewheel on mouse0. However, with separate input devices for each mouse, I cannot use emulated wheel (but I do get my mouse0 to work)
Here's what I'm trying to do:
Mouse0 is an ordinary PS/2 wheel mouse. I use this for high-precision work.
Mouse1 is a modified USB 5 button, wheel mouse. It has just one button, Btn4, remaining, after being attacked with a soldering iron.
Mouse2 is a synaptics touchpad (2 buttons), not used.
Mouse3 is a trackpoint. (3 buttons).
The keyboard I use is an IBM UltraNav, which contains embedded in it, a touchpad and trackpoint. (mice 2,3). The trackpoint is a wonderful device, but it only has 3 buttons. So, I added an extra button to the keyboard (by attacking mouse1 with a soldering iron). Hence, I actually have a 4 button mouse (3 ordinary buttons + emulated wheel on button 4). But the 4th button is on a different mouse device to the other 3. [The usual solution of emulate wheel on btn2, emulate scroll on btn1+3 doesn't work, because the buttons must be clicked with the thumbs, and it's not possible to press 1+3 simulatenously]
I realise this is rather odd, but it would be very useful. I hope the above is clear, but please do ask me if it isn't!
Thank you
Version: 6.8.1