kbd driver should not change keyboard repeat settings in VT
Submitted by Brice Goglin Assigned to Xorg Project Team
Bug reported on the Debian BTS by Andrew T.Young 4 years ago, still applies.
"I've noticed for some time now that after I've used X and then switch back to a console with <ctrl>``<alt>``<Fn>
, the keyboard rate and delay have been reset to Debian's default values (long delay, fast rep rate) instead of the IBM defaults that I prefer, and which I normally set up by using "kbdrate" from a console with no arguments.
In my .xsession file, I do call xset r rate 250 11
to re-establish my preferred rate and delay. This makes the keyboard behave properly in an xterm or rxvt window; but it does not prevent X from messing up the consoles.
It seems to me that even if X has to play with the keyboard for its own internal reasons -- something that does not seem logically necessary, but suppose it is -- then at least the use of the xset command ought to leave things in the intended state when I go back to a console."
See http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=181423 for details.
Assigning to Daniel as discussed on IRC a couple minutes ago.
Version: 7.2 (2007.02)