warnings with "-w 0" due to missing warningLevel test for some WARN() occurrences
The the xkbcomp(1) man page says:
-w lvl Controls the reporting of warnings during compilation. A
warning level of 0 disables all warnings; a warning level
of 10 enables them all.
But it is possible to get some warnings even with -w 0
, such as
Warning: Could not resolve keysym XF86EmojiPicker
The xkbcomp code shows that some WARN()
occurrences are not preceded by a warningLevel
test. For instance, in symbols.c, the following one is OK with its warningLevel > 0
if ((!ExprResolveString(value, &tmp, NULL, NULL))
&& (warningLevel > 0))
WARN("The type field of a key symbol map must be a string\n");
ACTION("Ignoring illegal type definition\n");
but this other one (the above warning) is wrong:
for (i = 0; i < nSyms; i++) {
if (!LookupKeysym(value->value.list.syms[i], &key->syms[ndx][i])) {
WARN("Could not resolve keysym %s\n", value->value.list.syms[i]);
key->syms[ndx][i] = NoSymbol;