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Add Graphite variant for US keyboard layout

Shawn Badger requested to merge shawnbadger/xkeyboard-config:master into master

Addresses issue: #476

Adds the Graphite keyboard variant to the US keyboard layout.

Justification for adding this layout is simple. In the past 5 years or so, a lot of research as been poured into optimizing keyboard layouts. And in the process several interesting layouts have bubbled to the top of the stack. Among these are Graphite, Gallium, Sturdy, MTGAP, Engram, Canary, and a few others. There is a very active Discord Server called 'Alt Keyboard Layouts' which allows users to vote on what they believe in the best layout. Graphite has consistently been at the top of this list for a long time now, and for good reason. These layouts are objectively better than their earlier counterparts, as the stats show. Some of the stats that are used to optimize these layouts are:

  • SFB: Single finger bigrams (use the same finger to press two keys in a row)
  • dSFB: Disjointed single finger bigrams (like SFB, but has 1 char in-between)
  • LSB: Lateral stretch bigrams (cases where one must stretch laterally to type the bigram)
  • Alt: Percentage of bigrams requiring both hands to type
  • Roll: Percentage of ngrams that "roll" in the same direction on a single hand
  • Redirects: One handed sequences that change direction (ie sfd on qwerty would be redirect)

Graphite scores very well in all of these metrics when compared to layouts like Dvorak, or Colemak. The idea is that the better you can score here, the more natural (and thus comfortable) it is to type.

Stat Graphite Dvorak Colemak Qwerty
Sfb 1.043% 2.779% 1.367% 6.600%
Dsfb 6.260% 6.979% 8.767% 11.182%
Lsb 1.358% 1.255% 3.495% 6.882%
In Rolls 21.359% 23.820% 25.173% 20.302%
Out Rolls 22.343% 15.104% 20.940% 16.941%
Total Rolls 43.702% 38.924% 46.113% 37.243%
One Hands 1.765% 0.624% 2.484% 2.824%
Alternates 41.440% 44.556% 30.375% 26.483%
Redirects 2.583% 2.639% 9.081% 11.745%
Bad Redirects 0.377% 0.818% 1.498% 1.433%
Total Redir 2.959% 3.458% 10.579% 13.187%
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┃Shift       ┃  Q  │  X  │  M  │  C  │  V  │  K  │  P  │  >  │  "  │  <  ┃Shift         ┃
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┃Ctrl   ┃ Super ┃Alt    ┃             ␣ Space               ┃AltGr ┃Multi ┃ Ctxt ┃ Ctrl ┃
┃       ┃       ┃       ┃                                   ┃      ┃      ┃ Menu ┃      ┃
Edited by Shawn Badger

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