xdg-open with x-scheme-handler replaces & in URLs with %U
Submitted by Stephan Sokolow
Assigned to Portland Bugs
As of this moment, I'm running the current git HEAD (b961235b) in order to get proper URI handling under LXDE. (Not that it's detected as such. See bug #36905)
With this version, ampersands in the the query string of an HTTP URL are converted to %U, breaking the URL in the process.
Here's an example which will demonstrate the issue when run:
xdg-open http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=relmfu&v=zlfKdbWwruY
I've manually reversed the order of the parameters because ordinary YouTube URLs work (Apparently, if you pass something too long for the "v" parameter, YouTube will truncate it and try again) and the original case I encountered this bug in was clicking the link in my Bugzilla confirmation e-mail inside Thunderbird.
Version: TP