xdg-desktop-menu does not treat folders with spaces correctly
Submitted by Antti Savolainen
Assigned to Portland Bugs
Link to original bug (#103363)
Created attachment 134927 contents of ~./.config/menus
When editing wine program locations with menulibre the result often just breaks down with folders disappearing completely or some other weird glitch happening.
For example: If files in application-merged are removed so that they can be recreated, the files reappear after you move the .desktop files back to their folders with menulibre. If the folders contain spaces, it considers all spaces to be a separator for a sub-folder which can cause glitching (seen here https://i.imgur.com/JKOh4fF.png). Example file /menus/applications-merged/user-wine-wine-wine-Programs-League-of-Legends.menu in attachments
Steps to produce: Install a program with spaces with wine Delete the .menu file from applications-merged Open menulibre and move the .desktop back to where it was
What happens applications-merged should now contain a bugged file
I'm not sure how the folders disappearing works when you move the files around with menulibre without deleting anything from applications-merged.
Attachment 134927, "contents of ~./.config/menus":