Clarify escaping
Submitted by Owen Taylor
Assigned to Allison Lortie @desrt
The specification says:
The escape sequences \s, \n, \t, \r, and \ are supported, meaning ASCII space, newline, tab, carriage return, and backslash, respectively.
Which is really insufficient because it doesn't specify what to do with \ in other contexts.
I'd suggest adding:
These escape sequences may only occur in values of type string or localestring and may not occur in keys, group names, or elsewhere in the desktop file except in comments, where no interpretation is performed.
The combination ; can occur only for values which are ; separated lists. (See below.)
Use of \ in combination with any other character is reserved; future versions of this specification or future specifications based on this basic file format may assign meaning to such combinations in new fields, however they must not be used in fields currently specified in this specification.