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  • Alexander Larsson's avatar
    2009-10-02 Alexander Larsson <> · 000d3a56
    Alexander Larsson authored
    	Based on patch from David Faure <>
    	* shared-mime-info-spec.xml: Define new case-sensitive attribute, and
    	change the text from the two-step glob match to a single glob match,
    	that is either case sensitive or case insensitive. Add flags field to
    	globs2 file, define the "cs" flag.
    	Make core, *.c and *.C case sensitive  (Closes: #22634)
    	* update-mime-database.c:
    	Process case-sensitive flag, write it out in globs2 and mime.cache
    	* tests/list:
    	Mark as expected success the previously problematic
    	case sensitive issues.