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  • Armin Krezović's avatar
    libweston: Add more functionality for handling weston_output objects · a01ab6d5
    Armin Krezović authored and Pekka Paalanen's avatar Pekka Paalanen committed
    This patch implements additional functionality that will be used
    for configuring, enabling and disabling weston's outputs. Its
    indended use is by the compositors or user programs that want to
    be able to configure, enable or disable an output at any time. An
    output can only be configured while it's disabled.
    The compositor and backend specific functionality is required
    for these functions to be useful, and those will come later in
    this series.
    All the new functions have been documented, so I'll avoid
    describing them here.
     - Minor documentation improvements.
     - Rename output-initialized to output->enabled.
     - Split weston_output_disable() further into
     - Rename weston_output_deinit() to weston_output_enable_undo().
     - Make weston_output_disable() call two functions mentioned
       above instead of calling weston_output_disable() directly.
       This means that backend needs to take care of doing backend
       specific disable in backend specific destroy function.
     - Require output->name to be set before calling
     - Require output->destroying to be set before
       calling weston_compositor_remove_output().
     - Split weston_output_init_pending() into
       weston_compositor_add_pending_output() so pending outputs
       can be announced separately.
     - Require output->disable() to be set in order for
       weston_output_disable() to be usable.
     - Fix output removing regression that happened when
       weston_output_disable() was split.
     - Minor documentation fix.
     - Bump libweston version to 2 as this patch breaks the ABI.
    Reviewed-by: default avatarPekka Paalanen <>
    Signed-off-by: default avatarArmin Krezović <>