"Error 71 (Protocol error) dispatching to Wayland display" - when moving thunderbird from monitor with low scaling (e.g. 100 %) to monitor with higher scaling (e.g. 125 %).
Affected version
- OS: Arch Linux
- Kernel: Linux 6.3.3-arch1-1
- Wayland Version: 1.22.0-1
- Gnome Version: 44.1-3
- Issue appears only in Wayland with Gnome.
Bug summary
When opening thunderbird on a monitor with lower scaling in a wayland-session and moving it to a monitor with higher scaling-factor, it crashes with the following message in the journals:
May 23 13:11:30 thunderbird[20700]: Error 71 (Protocol error) dispatching to Wayland display.
May 23 13:11:30 thunderbird.desktop[20700]: Crash Annotation GraphicsCriticalError: |[0][GFX1-]: Wayland protocol error: wl_surface@46: error 2: Buffer size (1982x769) must be an integer multiple of the buffer_scale (2).
Steps to reproduce
- Set monitor 1 to scaling 100%
- Set monitor 2 to scaling 125% (or higher, if not available)
- Open Thunderbird on monitor 1 and move window to monitor 2.
This issue has been observed on three devices so far.
What happened
Thunderbird crashed, when moved to monitor 2, which has a higher scaling than monitor 1.
What did you expect to happen
Thunderbird should not crash when moving from displays with different scaling.
Relevant logs, screenshots, screencasts etc.
Log generated using WAYLAND_DEBUG=1 thunderbird >& thunderbird-wayland-log.txt
The following line (about 3142
) seems very suspicious to me:
[2913260.294] wl_display@1.error(wl_surface@49, 2, "Buffer size (840x525) must be an integer multiple of the buffer_scale (2).")