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  • Wim Taymans's avatar
    gst/rtsp/gstrtspsrc.c: Refactor transport configuration code. · 17011e9a
    Wim Taymans authored
    Original commit message from CVS:
    * gst/rtsp/gstrtspsrc.c: (gst_rtspsrc_finalize),
    (gst_rtspsrc_alloc_udp_ports), (gst_rtspsrc_handle_src_event),
    (gst_rtspsrc_stream_free_udp), (gst_rtspsrc_stream_configure_tcp),
    (gst_rtspsrc_stream_configure_transport), (gst_rtspsrc_push_event),
    (gst_rtspsrc_loop_udp), (gst_rtspsrc_open),
    (gst_rtspsrc_parse_rtpinfo), (gst_rtspsrc_play),
    Refactor transport configuration code.
    Create internal pads for TCP transport so that we can implement events
    and queries.
    Handle events and queries.
    Parse range from the SDP.
    Fix race in pause handler where the connection could still be flushing.
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