Account: clarify expected behaviour of Nickname
Submitted by Simon McVittie
Assigned to Telepathy bugs list
13:35 < Zdra>
smcv, The spec says that MC must keep the value of nickname
property on Account and set it after each connection. Is it also
true if I set alias on self handle?
13:36 < Zdra>
smcv, I mean, setting alias on self handle should probably be
defined to have the exact same behaviour than setting nickname on
account? or not?
13:36 < smcv>
Zdra: I don't know
13:36 < smcv>
Zdra: quality-of-implementation issue
13:37 < smcv>
Zdra: I believe MC picks up self-alias changes and stores them in
13:37 < Zdra>
smcv, you don't think that's something we should force at the
spec level?
13:37 < smcv>
Zdra: it's not something I've thought about in enough detail to
have a rationale either way
13:38 < Zdra>
smcv, atm empathy set alias on self handle. but if MC does not
store that, I should change to set nickname on account
13:38 < smcv>
Zdra: if you do, please file a spec bug asking that it be
clarified, and explain which interpretation you think is better
and why
13:38 * sjoerd would like the demands for a minimal spec compliant
AccountManager to be not too high
13:38 < sjoerd>
In practise we know which implementation we'll use on the gnome
desktop, so that's fine for us
13:38 < smcv>
Zdra: please consider nickname changes from other resources when
13:39 < smcv>
I think that might be a good rationale for MC's current behaviour
13:39 < smcv>
suppose I'm logged in using Telepathy on N900 and Pidgin on laptop
13:40 < smcv>
and I change my nickname in Pidgin
13:40 < smcv>
MC on the N900 should pick up the change for next time, ideally?
13:40 < sjoerd>
does the alias-before-connect override the server alias? should
it ?
13:40 < smcv>
but then there's also an interaction with changing your nickname
on the laptop while the N900 is offline, and then logging in with
the N900
13:40 < smcv>
sjoerd: yes exactly
13:41 < smcv>
I think the right thing for Empathy to do is to set Nickname and
let the AM propagate the change, tbh