Missing support for SIP contacts in roster
Submitted by Matej Cepl
Assigned to Mikhail Zabaluev
(discussion on #telepathy with Zdra about inability to add SIP contact to the roster):
I know, but there is no addressbook if I cannot add SIP contacts to roster
mcepl: you can't have sip contacts on the roster, but you can still call them
mcepl: there is no addressbook yet, right
hmm, that's not nice :-(
yeah, true
but, why cannot I have SIP contacts in roster?
(aside from "not implemented yet")
(and hoping that we will get metacontacts some day)
mcepl: it's not implemented in telepathy-sofiasip
Conclusion, could you do please whatever is necessary for enabling empathy (and others) to add SIP contacts to the roster, please?