Fetching events by date does not respect local timezone
Submitted by Dan Vratil Assigned to Telepathy bugs list
Retrieving messages for a specific date returns messages according to UTC timezone, not user's locale timezone.
This means that when I'm in UTC+1 timezone and I receive a message on 2013-03-25 00:01:00+01:00 ( = 2013-03-24 23:01:00+00:00 ), the message will not be listed when querying for messages from 2013-03-25. This also means that when querying for 2013-03-24, I'll incorrectly receive messages retrieved between 2013-03-25 00:00:00+01:00 and 2013-03-25 00:59:59+01:00.
To display messages to users correctly according to their timezone, one have query all messages from requested day and the day before (or the day after, depending on whether it's UTC+x or UTC-x timezone), convert all message timestamps and discard messages that don't fit into the requested time frame.
This is quite complicated and I think such behaviour is a bug.
Version: git master