request of search function but limited to an specific account, entity
Submitted by Mateu Batle Assigned to Telepathy bugs list
Current search function in tp-logger searches over all the logs (all accounts, all users).
void tpl_log_manager_search_async (TplLogManager *manager, const gchar *text, gint type_mask, GAsyncReadyCallback callback, gpointer user_data);
Last function maybe in useful in some use cases, but overkill in others. For example when we are just searching in the logs of a given contact. For that case something much more optimal like the following would be useful.
void tpl_log_manager_search_by_entity_async ( TplLogManager *manager, TpAccount *account, TplEntity *target, const gchar *text, gint type_mask, GAsyncReadyCallback callback, gpointer user_data);
So only the logs of the given contact (identified with the account and entity) will be searched in.