EnsureChannel does not return when unable to join because of +r (freenode)
Submitted by Marien Zwart
Assigned to Telepathy bugs list
Created attachment 60967 empathy log showing two joins to a restricted channel
The empathy developers redirected me here.
Trying to join a freenode channel that is set +r (block unidentified users) while unidentified fails with no indication as to why. This is unfortunate, but a more confusing issue is that empathy (or telepathy-idle) will silently refuse to try the join again: if the channel is set -r and you retry the join nothing happens. Debug log (from empathy, as I do not know how to more directly use telepathy-idle) attached, with a few newlines added. Note this was from a session that already had a window open for ##marienz (I /part-ed there before clearing the log). Results are similar on a fresh connection, and no channel window is ever opened.
According to an empathy developer: "the EnsureChannel() call never returns".
The channel join should fail, and do so in a way allowing Empathy to show a relevant message to the user.
I'm using telepathy-idle-0.1.11.
Attachment 60967, "empathy log showing two joins to a restricted channel":