Add TpSavedMessage?
Submitted by Guillaume Desmottes Assigned to Telepathy bugs list
In smcv wrote: """ ...
TpMessage | --- TpCMMessage (used by TpMessageMixin) --- TpClientMessage (if needed, or just use the base class?) --- TpSignalledMessage (or TpReceivedMessage, but it's used for MessageSent too) (has a TpContact for the sender if possible) --- TpSavedMessage (the handle-less version, for the logger)
... """
We currently have TpMessage, TpCMMessage, TpClientMessage and TpSignalledMessage but not yet TpSavedMessage.
I was porting Empathy to TpTextChannel was thinking that TpSavedMessage could actually be pretty handy in order to rebase EmpathyMessage on top of TpMessage.