telepathy-gabble should support OMEMO encryption
Submitted by Malte E.
Assigned to Telepathy bugs list
There is an ongoing debate about OTR encryption in telepathy. The developers have argued that OTR was flawed (which is true), the proponents of OTR have argued that it's the best we have, the de facto standard and pretty much the best we can get from a security standpoint, which is also true, IMHO.
To fix this problem temporarily, developers of telepathy front ends have implemented OTR in their products, a solution that works, but kind of defeats the point of having a unified messaging framework across platforms.
But there seems hope: the android XMPP client conversations now has OMEMO, derived from Signal's axolotl and supposed to have all of OTR's disadvantages while solving all its problems.
I am no cryptography expert, but I do want all my chats encrypted. OMEMO seems to do that without the hassle that OTR has (allowing multiple clients and delivery of messages stored on the server without the client receiving gibberish).
So I would very much like to see OMEMO implemented in telepathy to help it become the new standard and make privacy a little less cumbersome. To me, just like to many others, privacy isn't optional. If you refused to implement encryption because OTR was flawed in your opinion, then you have no reason not to implement it now!