telepathy-gabble does not persist OLPC pubsub data
Submitted by Daniel Drake
Assigned to Telepathy bugs list
The src/conn-olpc.c code in telepathy-gabble uses pubsub to share data between roster users about the users icon colour, public ssh key, activity information, etc.
However, by default, pubsub is a "broadcast-and-forget" system, i.e. the server will broadcast the data to any existing clients, but not save it to be queried later.
Old ejabberd versions were not exactly specs-compliant here and stored the data anyway, but new ejabberd versions do not store the data by default, and this isn't configurable.
This means that OLPC presence is broken - when connecting to a network, Sugar/telepathy attempts to retrieve the public keys and icon colors of all existing users on the network (via pubsub query). This fails (the server didn't store it) so the presence is broken.
The pubsub messages generated by telepath-gabble/wocky should be modified to mark the data as persistent, to be stored to the server, according to
Reproduced with telepathy-gabble-0.15.3.