should we transmit failed state to tp instead of exhausted candidates ?
Submitted by Fabrice Bellet
Assigned to Olivier Crête @ocrete
Link to original bug (#101646)
I'm not sure of this case, but the code handling the conversion from FS_STREAM_STATE_* to TP_STREAM_ENDPOINT_STATE_* looks a bit strange to me in cb_fs_component_state_changed():
switch (fsstate) { default: g_warning ("Unknown Farstream state, returning ExhaustedCandidates"); /* fall through */ case FS_STREAM_STATE_FAILED: state = TP_STREAM_ENDPOINT_STATE_EXHAUSTED_CANDIDATES; break;
Why is state EXHAUSTED_CANDIDATES returned in case of failure, instead of TP_STREAM_ENDPOINT_STATE_FAILED ?
Version: git master