crash detected in telepathy-butterfly-0.5.3-1.fc12
Submitted by Brian Pepple
Assigned to Telepathy bugs list
Comment: This problem ocurs when I use MSN on Empathy.
Summary: TB42f764be 1
Traceback (most recent call last): File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/papyon/", line 284, in enable_ping self.send_command(cmd, False) File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/papyon/", line 277, in send_command self._transport.send(str(command), self.__on_command_sent, *our_cb_args) File "/usr/lib/python2.6/site-packages/papyon/gnet/io/", line 157, in send assert(self._status == IoStatus.OPEN), self._status AssertionError: 1
Local variables in innermost frame: buffer: PNG
callback: <bound method DirectConnection.__on_command_sent of <DirectConnection object at 0xa72634c (papyon+transport+DirectConnection at 0xa752810)>> self: <TCPClient object at 0xa726374 (papyon+gnet+io+tcp+TCPClient at 0xa752840)> args: (<papyon.msnp.command.Command object at 0xaa14ecc>, None, ())
cmdline: /usr/bin/python /usr/libexec/telepathy-butterfly component: telepathy-butterfly executable: /usr/libexec/telepathy-butterfly kernel: package: telepathy-butterfly-0.5.3-1.fc12 uuid: 42f764be
This bug appears with all tp-butterfly versions from 0.5.3-0.5.11. It appears it happens quit a bit on users that have an unreliable internet connect.