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  • Karol Herbst's avatar
    nir/spirv: initial handling of OpenCL.std extension opcodes · 272e927d
    Karol Herbst authored
    Not complete, mostly just adding things as I encounter them in CTS. But
    not getting far enough yet to hit most of the OpenCL.std instructions.
    Anyway, this is better than nothing and covers the most common builtins.
    v2: add hadd proof from Jason
        move some of the lowering into opt_algebraic and create new nir opcodes
        simplify nextafter lowering
        fix normalize lowering for inf
        rework upsample to use nir_pack_bits
        add missing files to build systems
    v3: split lines of iadd/sub_sat expressions
    Signed-off-by: Karol Herbst's avatarKarol Herbst <>
    Reviewed-by: default avatarJason Ekstrand <>