spice-guest-tools-0.100.exe does not install the QXL driver on Vista
Submitted by Francois Gouget
Assigned to Spice Bug List
Running spice-guest-tools-0.3.exe in a QEmu/KVM guest VM normally installs the QXL graphics driver alongside the Virtio drivers. However on Windows Vista and presumably Windows 2003, Windows 2008 and Windows 2008r2 this is not the case.
Looking at the installed files I see that only the drivers/winxp and drivers/win7 directories have QXL drivers which is probably the first-level reason for this. Note that both the Windows XP and Windows 7 QXL drivers install successfully on Windows Vista so that provides a workaround.
Using the QXL driver on Vista greatly improves the mouse handling. It does have an alpha blending issue which is visible in the Desktop Gadgets area though.